Saturday, October 25, 2008

Crossed #1 (Avatar)

Hot off their work on the ass-kicking book “Chronicles of Wormwood”, Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows reform like Voltron to bring you their next piece of nastiness! Crossed is horror series about a Zombie-like apocalypse wherein the monsters just seem to be some sick and depraved humans. It isn’t clear in the first issue what the specifics about these crazies are, except to say this, “Them some sick mutherfuckers.” While I could be talking about the creators of the book, I’m in fact referring to the depraved, slaughtering, sodomizing band of psychos that are over running the pages of this first issue. Is it a viral rage or a voodoo curse? Simple mass hysteria? We may never know, but as long as the entrails keep coming out in a sloppy mess, I won’t care.

Getting the critical stuff out of the way, the book doesn’t give you a definitive main character that you attach to in its twenty some-odd pages, but that being said, it doesn’t matter too much. This first issue sets a tone for whatever comes next. This book has so much room to open up and with Garth Ennis at the helm, it shouldn’t disappoint. While it could have had more of a hook to pull you in story and character wise, Ennis and Burrows rely instead on a level of carnage and mayhem they know will bring you back next month.

As a first issue this could have been stronger, but as a promise of wicked things to come, it seduces. This is a book for homicidal maniacs and the people who love them.

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