Friday, October 10, 2008

Ultimate Power TPB

What a line up! Where before have you seen such a dynamic team of super people with the strength to destroy the world? I’m not talking about the Ultimates or the Fantastic Four or the X-Men, Spiderman or Squadron Supreme, despite the fact that all of them feature heavily in this book! Who could be a more formidable team up than Marvel most elite? Try a writing team comprised of superstars Brian Michael Bendis, Jeph Loeb and J. Michael Straczynski! Together they pen a tale where two of Marvel’s parallel universes collide with awesome force after Reed Richards sends out a probe that accidentally kills tens of millions on an alternate Earth! Squadron Supreme comes to arrest young Richards and take him back to fix the crazy destruction he’s caused, but only if they can escape before his friends can jump in and beat down the Squad. Complete with wicked bone crunching match ups between Thor and Hyperion, Iron Man and Spectrum and a head spinning battle between the speedsters Quicksilver and Blur, Ultimate Power packs mad punches from a nine issue miniseries into one wicked volume. Fair warning goes out to all those who are not fans of artist Greg Land whose notorious use of blatent photo “references” taints the book with empty pin-up-girl expressions and hollow poses that make characters often look like underwear models than hard core superheroes. Only a mild speed bump on an otherwise worthy edition to the Ultimate universe, the big bangs, old school crossover sensibilities and Jack Kirby-esque adventure is a fast paced read that delivers.

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