Saturday, October 4, 2008

Welcome to Hoxford

In this book, if you run with the pack, you're either killing people because you're sick in the head, or hungry.

More love for Ben Templesmith! If you’re not reading Wormwood Gentleman Corpse, you’re hurting yourself and you don’t even know it! Well brace yourself people because the man has done it again. In Welcome to Hoxford, Templesmith both writes and provides the art for a series about a group of prisoners brought to a special prison to be food for a clan of werewolves. What more do you need? Do you root for the evil werewolves or the convicted and insane inmates of Hoxford?

The name should be no mystery to you by now, but for the uninitiated, Templesmith is one half of the team that created 30 Days of Night. His sketchy, schizophrenic styling’s are like the best remembrances of acid without having to come down. Rising from the renown he gained of “30 days” he has proven himself to be an accomplished writer as well, with his own series Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse being far more entertaining than the Alaskan vampire tales he crafted with writer Steve Niles. Moving from vampires to monsters to werewolves, Templesmith is harvesting the underworld to build his library and right now, Welcome to Hoxford is leading the pack.

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